Sunday, July 19, 2009
New 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Day 29 Statistics
Day 29 of the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge is now over. Getting down to the wire now. Challenge is over tomorrow and I was able to finish the challenge today!!!!
My stats for today -
posted 7 hubs
hubscore is 92
327 hits
Hubs for Today:
#94 of 100 -
#95 of 100 -
#96 of 100 -
#97 of 100 -
#98 of 100 -
#99 of 100 -
#100 of 100 -
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Day 28
Day 28 of the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge is now over. Not a good day again. I am in so much pain from my back. I don’t know what to do about it.
My stats for today -
posted 2 hubs
hubscore is 95
327 hits
Hubs for Today:
#92 of 100 -
#93 of 100 -
Friday, June 5, 2009
Day 26 Statistics
Day 26 of the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge is now over. Not a good day today at all. Pain so severe now. Don’t know what I am going to do about it. I did manage to publish 2 hubs today. Only 9 more. I still have 4 days left so I should be okay.
My stats for today -
posted 2 hubs
hubscore is 91
376 hits
Hubs for Today:
#90 of 100 -
#91 of 100 -
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Day 25 Statistics
Day 25 of the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge is now over. Today I had severe back issues as well as a family problem. I didn’t get near as much done as I wanted to. I did manage to do 2 hubs today though. I am now hub #89 so I just have 11 more to go in the next 5 days.
My stats for today -
posted 2 hubs
hubscore is 91
544 hits
Hubs for Today:
#88 of 100 -
#89 of 100 -
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Day 24 Statistics
Day 24 of the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge is now over. I was able to publish 3 hubs today. I don’t know what is going on but the pain is getting worse now in my back. Today was a real bad, bad day. I try to do stuff cause I don’t want to sit all day long but then when I’m up standing I get a real painful spasm from my back right down my right hip and leg. This pain has to stop. I can’t stand it much longer.
My stats for today -
posted 3 hubs
hubscore is 90
600 hits
Hubs for Today:
#85 of 100 -
#86 of 100 -
#87 of 100 -
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Day 23 Statistics
Day 23 of the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge is now over. I was able to publish 3 hubs today and that was amazing for me because today was a pretty painful day and a very sleepless night the night before. I have 7 days to do 16 more hubs. That won’t be a problem at all.
My stats for today -
posted 3 hubs
hubscore is 90
488 hits
Hubs for Today:
#82 of 100 -
#83 of 100 -
#84 of 100 -
Monday, June 1, 2009
Day 22 Statistics
Day 22 of the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge is now over. This turned out to be a very productive day. I managed to get 4 hubs published today. That brings my total hubs now to 81. I am well on track to finishing this challenge.
My stats for today -
posted 4 hubs
hubscore is 91
547 hits
Hubs for Today:
#78 of 100 -
#79 of 100 -
#80 of 100 -
#81 of 100 -
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Day 21 Statistics
Day 21 of the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge is now over. I was able to publish 4 hubs today. One of the hubs I published was actually the idea of my daughter. She suggested that her and I do a debate type hub. We did this on We both thought it turned out really well and are going to do more debate hubs in the future. We had a lot of fun with it and we feel it is something different.
My stats for today -
posted 3 hubs
hubscore is 92
709 hits
Hubs for Today:
#74 of 100 -
#75 of 100 -
#76 of 100 -
#77 of 100 -
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Day 20 Statistics
Day 20 of the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge is now over. I was able to get 3 hubs published today. Today I am pretty depressed over personal matters. I wish I could change things that have happened in my life sometimes. I feel like I am in a rut.
My stats for today -
posted 3 hubs
hubscore is 90
226 hits
Hubs for Today:
#71 of 100 -
#72 of 100 -
#73 of 100 -
Friday, May 29, 2009
Day 19 Statistics
Day 19 of the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge is now over. I am feeling much better today. I was able to get 5 hubs published today. It is amazing what a little bit of sleep will do for a person. I have almost forgotten how good sleep feels.
My stats for today -
posted 5 hubs
hubscore is 91
271 hits
Hubs for Today:
#66 of 100 -
#67 of 100 -
#68 of 100 -
#69 of 100 -
#70 of 100 -
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Day 6 Statistics
This is now Day 6 of the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge. Today is a day of procrastinating for me. I didn’t go to bed until 3:00 am due to pain and Arrow (my baby ktten), wanting to play all night. Got up at 6:00 am because Arrow said it is time to get up. Needless to say, I’m not being very creative today, in fact, I’m not creative at all today. I think i may try to take a nap in a little bit after I eat something then maybe I’ll feel better. If not, well I have all night for my creative juices to flow. I would like to accomplish at least 3 more hubs today to make an even 30 hubs for the challenge.
On my hub,, I did a keyword search for the phrase, is Farrah Fawcett dead or alive. My hub came up in #2 position.
On my hub,, I did a keyword search for the phrase, not ready for a rocking chair. My hub came up in #2 position.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Day 4 Statistics
Day 4 of the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge is just beginning. Today, again, I will aim for 5 hubs to be completed but hopefully I will be able to do more. I am going to concentrate on doing profiles of some of the characters that I have on my website,
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Day 3 Statistics

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Day 2 Statistics

Day 2 of the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge is now over. Today I posted 5 new hubs, bringing my total in this challenge now to 12. Again, I did not spend all day working on the hubs. I helped my daughter again with her schoolwork for a good portion of the day. I did spend a fair bit of time reading other hubbers hubs because they were nice enough to come around and read mine.
My stats for today -
posted 5 hubs
hubscore is 90
177 hits
Again, I think I faired pretty good today. I didn't have as much time to work on the hubs as I wanted. I did say I was going to aim for 5 hubs today, and that is what I did.
Here is a link to my five hubpages for today:
#8 -
#9 -
#10 -
#11 -
#12 -
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Day 1 Statistics

I have noticed a couple of things with my Hubpages account today in the first day of this challenge. My hubscore is sitting at 91. Yesterday it was at 90. I have noticed a lot of hits from the hub challenge posts today too, 150 hits in all. Not of all these hits were from hubpages either. Several were from other sources,,,,, and
The most amazing thing I noticed today is that I actually made 99 cents in google adsense, just from hubpages. This is totally amazing!!! So, I think this challenge is definitely worth it and it does look like it is working.
Here is a listing of all the hubs I have published today.
#1 -
#2 -
#3 -
#4 -
#5 -
#6 -
#7 -
Monday, May 4, 2009
13 Hours To Go
I will not be up at midnight tonight to start writing. I usually go to bed around 11:00 or 11:30. See, I live with pain right now because of my back and I don't sleep well. What I do is I stay up late at night until I can't keep my eyes open and then I go to bed. That way when I hit the pillow, I'm asleep.
I will however, be awake at 5:00 am pst. I am hoping to polish off the first four hubs before noon my time tomorrow.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
27 Hours To Go
A thought just came to my mind though. Oh dear, I hope this isn't the one time in my life I get writer's block. Hey, but guess what that thought just disappeared.
This time next week I will have written at least 28 hubs. Here are the ideas I have come up with so far for them.
Week One Hub Ideas
Title | Keywords |
1. Why I accepted the 100 hubs in 30 day challenge? | hubpages, hubs, hub, challenge |
2. Pretty Flowers | rose, red roses, flowers, daffodils, pansies, lilac |
3. A new look to an old cushion | cushions, cushion, upholstery, reupholstery |
4. A sewing machine - was it worth it? | sewing machine, singer sewing machine |
5. Patrick's Quilt | grandson, quilt, quilt blocks, patchwork quilt |
6. What being a grandma means to me? | grandma, grandmother |
7. Ricky and Jenny's Quilt | son, daughter, quilt, quilt blocks, patchwork quilt |
8. Spring Safety | safety, mountains, rivers, safety gear |
9. The quilt I never got from my Grandma | grandma, grandmother, quilt, patchwork quilt |
10. Windows 7 RC Candidate | windows 7, taskbar, desktop, improvements |
11. Netbook | netbook, wireless, acer |
12. How to make your lawn green? | lawn, grass seed, water, fertilizer |
13. Why my kitten made me cry? | kitten, cry, purr |
14. Why I do not like Mantracker but love watching his show? | Mantracker, chase, prey, horses |
15. Why I am a bit nervous about going camping this year? | camping, back problems, pain |
16. What would you grow if you owned a greenhouse? | greenhouse, plants, flowers |
17. Why I loved the television show Corner Gas? | Corner Gas, Saskatchewan |
18. Why I love the prairies? | prairies, prairie dog, flatness |
19. Why I love the Rocky Mountains? | Rocky Mountains, rocky mountain, hiking, glaciers |
20. What do you like most about spring? | spring, warmer weather, rain |
21. What I look forward to about the summer months? | summer, camping, hiking, warm weather |
22. How I created the Travellin' Rick character? | travel, Canada |
23. How I created the characters Fawn and Spot? | cows, Ontario, British Columbia, farm, ranch |
24. Why I wrote the story Paula? | controversial issues, alcohol, sexual abuse |
25. How I created the Canadian Brother characters? | city, prairies, mountains, fishing |
26. Do I like Queen Elizabeth? | Queen Elizabeth, London, England, castle, prince, princess |
27. What am I planning on doing for Victoria Day weekend? | camping, sewing, writing |
28. When is the last time you have gone on a picnic? | picnic, ants, picnic table, park |
I am a newbie to HubPages and I am new to the keyword aspect of websites too. I do have one major website which holds over 700 of the children's stories that I have written. My main website is Each of these has keywords in the HTML tags. My website has been on the internet now for over 10 years. I have some really good quality backlinks to some of my stories.
I am hoping that with this 100 hubs in 30 days challenge that I can grow on my experience with keywords and I also hope that I wlll be able to understand it better. Right now the whole concept of using keywords is a jumble in my mind and I am hoping to get that sorted out as I start this challenge on Monday.
Correct me if I am wrong but here is what I know about keywords right now.
1. Always use your keywords in your title.
2. Always place your keywords in your META TAGS.
3. Always place your keywords in the top area of your article, preferrably in the first paragraph.
4. Use variations of your keywords in your article.
5. Don't saturate your article with your keyword but instead write an informative article using your keywords sparingly.
My approach to the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge is to write 4 hubs per day. I am going to take a look at Google Trends each day before I start to write and see if I can come up with some ideas about keywords that I can write about. I am also going to write some hubs on things that I am passionate about. I am also going to write a minimum of 10 of my children's stories as part of the challenge as well but I may not do this because of the fact that I need my children's stories to appear on my main website and putting them on HubPages would cause duplicate content. What I might do instead is to write about why I wrote a particular story or group of stories and then put one link to my main website where people can read those stories if they want.
Am I nervous about this challenge, no not in the least. I am a writer and I know I can do this. I am ready for this challenge.
Friday, May 1, 2009
100 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge
Let the 100 Hubpages in 30 day Challenge Begin
I have been a part of Hubpages now for 3 full weeks and I am loving every minute of it. Today, I was reading Ryan Hupfer's post about the 100 hubpages in 30 days challenge and I was thinking oh, I so want to do this and then I read the words, if you want to join in on the Hub Challenge...
I was immediately all for it. Yes, I thought. More hubs to write. Perfect!!! I signed up right away. I'm not the least bit intimidated by this challenge. I know I can do it.
I am gonna write 4 hubs per day starting Monday. I don't really know what I'm going to write about yet but I am thinking of doing some of them about what I am interested in, like my pets, wuilting and my life in Brtish Columbia and I also thought I would tackle some keyword articles as well. I also think that I will throw in some children's stories that I am going to write as well.
When I am finished this challenge, there is going to be a vast amount of different topics that I have written. It is going to be a lot of fun for me and I am definitely going to put my full effort into completing this challenge.
I will keep you posted as to my progress on this challenge here so stay tuned.